Getting started


You need to have an account at or on an on-premise version installed in your company. Contact us or your IT manager for more info.

You will be working on a specific “instance”. This instance corresponds to the subdomain at the beginning of the url in your address: https://<your instance>

Get the package

  1. clone the git repo:
git clone
  1. install as a Python package:
cd prevision-python
python install

Setup your client’s SDK client uses a specific master token to authenticate with the instance’s server and allow you to perform various requests. To get your master token, log in the online interface on your instance, navigate to the admin page and copy the token.

You can either set the token and the instance name as environment variables, by specifying PREVISION_URL and PREVISION_MASTER_TOKEN, or at the beginning of your script:

import previsionio as pio

# We initialize the client with our master token and the url of the server
# (or local installation, if applicable)
url = """https://<your instance>"""
token = """<your token>"""
pio.client.init_client(url, token)

A small example

create a project

First things first, to upload data or train a usecase, you need to create a project.

# create project
project ="project_name",
                          description="project description")

Getting some data

To train a usecase, you need to gather some training data. This data can be passed a pandas DataFrame or a string representing a path to a file.

# load some data from a CSV file
data_path = 'data/titanic.csv'
dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld', file_name=data_path)

# or use a pandas DataFrame
dataframe = pd.read_csv(data_path)
dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld', dataframe=dataframe)

This will automatically read the given data and upload it as a new dataset on your’s instance. If you go to the online interface, you will see this new dataset in the list of datasets (in the “Data” tab).

You can also load in your script a dataset that has already been uploaded on the platform:

# by unique id
dataset = pio.Dataset.from_id('5ebaad70a7271000e7b28ea0')


If you want to list all of the available datasets on your instance, simply use:

datasets = project.list_datasets()

Configuring a usecase

If you want, you can also specify some training parameters, such as which models are used, which transformations are applied, and how the models are optimized.

uc_config = pio.TrainingConfig(advanced_models=[pio.AdvancedModel.LinReg],

For a full details on training config and training parameters, see the training config documentation.

Starting training

You can then create a new usecase based on :

  • a usecase name
  • a dataset
  • a column config
  • (optional) a metric type
  • (optional) a training config
usecase_version = project.fit_classification('helloworld_classif',


For more complex usecase setups (for example with an image dataset), refer to the Starting a usecase guide.

Configuring a text similarity usecase

If you want, you can also specify some training parameters, such as which models are used, which embedding and preprocessing are applied.

models_parameters_1 = pio.ModelsParameters(pio.ModelEmbedding.TFIDF,
                                           [pio.TextSimilarityModels.BruteForce, pio.TextSimilarityModels.ClusterPruning])
models_parameters_2 = pio.ModelsParameters(pio.ModelEmbedding.Transformer,
models_parameters_3 = pio.ModelsParameters(pio.ModelEmbedding.TransformerFineTuned,
models_parameters = [models_parameters_1, models_parameters_2, models_parameters_3]
models_parameters = pio.ListModelsParameters(models_parameters=models_parameters)


If you want the default configuration of text similarity models, simply use:

models_parameters = pio.ListModelsParameters()

Starting text similarity training

You can then create a new text similarity usecase based on :

  • a usecase name
  • a dataset
  • a description column config
  • (optional) a queries dataset
  • (optional) a qeries column config
  • (optional) a metric type
  • (optional) a top k
  • (optional) a language
  • (optional) a models parameters list
usecase_verion = project.fit_text_similarity('helloworld_text_similarity',

Monitoring training

You can retrieve at any moment the number of models trained so far and the current error score, as well as some additional info.

>>> usecase_verion.score

>>> usecase_verion.print_info()
scores_cv: 0.0585

You can also wait until a certain condition is reached, such as a number of models or a certain score:

# will block until there are more than 3 models
uc.wait_until(lambda usecasev: len(usecasev.models) > 0)

# will block until error is lower than 0.3 (warning, it may never reach it and wait forever)
uc.wait_until(lambda usecasev: usecasev.score < .3)

The wait_until method takes a function that takes the usecase as an argument, and can therefore access any info relative to the usecase.

Making predictions

Once we have at least a model, we can start making predictions. We don’t need to wait until the complete training process is done, and we’ll always have access to the best model trained so far.

# we have some test data here:
data_path = 'data/titanic_test.csv'
test_dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld_test', file_name=data_path)

preds = usecase_verion.predict_from_dataset(test_dataset)

# scikit-learn style:
df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
preds = uc.predict(df)
For text similarity, you can create a new prediction based on :
  • a dataset queries
  • a query colmun name
  • (optional) topK
  • (optional) description id column name
# we have some test data here:
data_path = 'data/queries_test.csv'
test_dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld_test', file_name=data_path)

preds = usecase_verion.predict_from_dataset(test_dataset,

Additional util methods

Retrieving a use case

Since a use case can be somewhat long to train, it can be useful to separate the training, monitoring and prediction phases.

To do that, we need to be able to recreate a usecase object in python from its name:

usecase_version = pio.Supervised.from_id('<a usecase id>')
# usecase_version now has all the same methods as a usecase_version created directly from a file or a dataframe
>>> usecase_version.print_info()
scores_cv: 0.0585
state: running

Stopping and deleting

Once you’re satisfied with model performance, don’t want to wait for the complete training process to be over, or need to free up some resources to start a new training, you can stop the usecase_version simply:


You’ll still be able to make predictions and get info, but the performance won’t improve anymore. Note: there’s no difference in state between a stopped usecase and a usecase that has completed its training completely.

You can decide to completely delete the usecase:

uc = usecase_version.usecase

However, be careful because, in that case, any detail about the usecase will be removed, and you won’t be able to make predictions anymore.