Managing datasources & connectors

Datasources and connectors are’s way of keeping a link to a source of data and taking snapshots when needed. The distant data source can be an FTP server, a database, an Amazon bucket…

Connectors hold the credentials to connect to the distant data source and datasources specify the exact resource to resource from it (be it the path to the file to load, the name of the database table to parse…).

For more info on all the options of connectors and datasources, check out the API Reference.

Listing available connectors and datasources

Like all SDK API resources, connectors and datasources already registered on the platform can be listed using the list() method:

connectors = pio.Connector.list()
for connector in connectors:

datasources = pio.Datasource.list()
for datasource in datasources:

Creating a connector

To create a connector, use the new() method of the connector class you want to use. For example, to create a connector to an SQL database, use the SQLConnector and pass in your credentials:

connector ='my_sql_connector',

Creating a datasource

After you’ve created a connector, you need to use a datasource to actually refer to and fetch a resource in the distant data source. To create a datasource, you need to link the matching connector and to supply the relevant info, depending on the connector type.

datasource =,

You can then create datasets from this datasource as explained in the guide on Loading & fetching datasets.