
In all the specific connectors, the parameters for the new() method are the same as the ones in the Connector._new().

class previsionio.connector.Connector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.api_resource.ApiResource, previsionio.api_resource.UniqueResourceMixin

A connector to interact with a distant source of data (and easily get data snapshots using an associated DataSource resource).

  • _id (str) – Unique reference of the connector on the platform
  • name (str) – Name of the connector
  • host (str) – Url of the connector
  • port (int) – Port of the connector
  • conn_type (str) – Type of the connector, among “FTP”, “SFTP”, “SQL”, “S3”, “HIVE”, “HBASE”, “GCP”
  • username (str, optional) – Username to use connect to the remote data source
  • password (str, optional) – Password to use connect to the remote data source
classmethod _new(name, host, port, conn_type, username=None, password=None, googleCredentials=None)

Create a new connector object on the platform.

  • name (str) – Name of the connector
  • host (str) – Url of the connector
  • port (int) – Port of the connector
  • conn_type (str) – Type of the connector, among “FTP”, “SFTP”, “SQL”, “S3”, “HIVE”, “HBASE” or “GCP”
  • username (str, optional) – Username to use connect to the remote data source
  • password (str, optional) – Password to use connect to the remote data source

Newly create connector object

Return type:


classmethod list(all=False)

List all the available connectors in the current active [client] workspace.


Contrary to the parent list() function, this method returns actual Connector objects rather than plain dictionaries with the corresponding data.

Parameters:all (boolean, optional) – Whether to force the SDK to load all items of the given type (by calling the paginated API several times). Else, the query will only return the first page of result.
Returns:Fetched connector objects
Return type:list(Connector)

Test a connector already uploaded on the platform.

Returns:Test results
Return type:dict
class previsionio.connector.DataBaseConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.Connector

A specific type of connector to interact with a database client (containing databases and tables).


List all available databases for the client.

Returns:Databases information
Return type:dict

List all available tables in a specific database for the client.

Parameters:database (str) – Name of the database to find tables for
Returns:Tables information
Return type:dict
class previsionio.connector.FTPConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.Connector

A specific type of connector to interact with a FTP client (containing files).

class previsionio.connector.GCPConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.Connector

A specific type of connector to interact with a GCP database client (containing databases and tables or buckets).

class previsionio.connector.HiveConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.DataBaseConnector

A specific type of connector to interact with a Hive database client (containing databases and tables).

class previsionio.connector.S3Connector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.Connector

A specific type of connector to interact with an Amazon S3 client (containing buckets with files).

class previsionio.connector.SFTPConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.Connector

A specific type of connector to interact with a secured FTP client (containing files).

class previsionio.connector.SQLConnector(_id, name, host=None, port=None, type=None, username='', password='', googleCredentials=None, **kwargs)

Bases: previsionio.connector.DataBaseConnector

A specific type of connector to interact with a SQL database client (containing databases and tables).