Getting started

The following document is a step by step usage example of the Python SDK. The full documentation of the software is available here.


You need to have an account at or on an on-premise version installed in your company. Contact us or your IT manager for more information.

You will be working on a specific “instance”. This instance corresponds to the subdomain at the beginning of the url in your address: https://<your instance>

Get the package

pip install previsionio

Set up your client’s SDK client uses a specific master token to authenticate with the instance’s server and allows you to perform various requests. To get your master token, log in the online interface on your instance, navigate to the admin page and copy the token.

You can either set the token and the instance name as environment variables, by specifying PREVISION_URL and PREVISION_MASTER_TOKEN, or at the beginning of your script:

import previsionio as pio

# The client is initialized with your master token and the url of the server
# (or local installation, if applicable)
url = "https://<your instance>"
token = "<your token>"
pio.client.init_client(url, token)

# You can manage the verbosity (only output warnings and errors by default)
    False,           # whether to activate info logging
    debug=False,     # whether to activate detailed debug logging
    event_log=False, # whether to activate detailed event managers debug logging

Create a project

First things first, to upload data or train a usecase, you need to create a project.

# create project
project ="project_name",
                          description="project description")


To train a usecase, you need to gather some training data. This data must be uploaded to your instance using either a data source, a file path or a pandas.DataFrame.

Managing datasources & connectors

Datasources and connectors are’s way of keeping a link to a source of data and taking snapshots when needed. The avaible data sources are:

  • SQL
  • HIVE
  • FTP
  • SFTP
  • S3
  • GCP

Connectors hold the credentials to connect to the distant data sources. Then you can specify the exact resource to extract from a data source (be it the path to the file to load, the name of the database table to parse, …).

Creating a connector

To create a connector, use the appropriate method of project class. For example, to create a connector to an SQL database, use the create_sql_connector() and pass in your credentials:

connector = project.create_sql_connector('my_sql_connector',

For more information on all the available connectors, check out the Project full documentation.

Creating a data source

After you’ve created a connector, you need to use a datasource to actually refer to and fetch a resource in the distant data source. To create a datasource, you need to link the matching connector and to supply the relevant info, depending on the connector type:

datasource = project.create_datasource(connector,

For more details on the creation of a datasource, check out the Project full documentation of the method create_datasource.

You can then create datasets from this datasource as explained in Uploading Data.

Listing available connectors and data sources

Connectors and datasources already registered on the platform can be listed using the list_connectors() and list_datasource() method from project class:

connectors = project.list_connectors()
for connector in connectors:

datasources = project.list_datasource()
for datasource in datasources:

Uploading Data

You can upload data from three different sources: a path to a local (csv, zip) file, a pandas.DataFrame or a created data source

# Upload tabular data from a CSV file
data_path = 'path/to/your/data.csv'
dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld', file_name=data_path)

# or use a pandas DataFrame
dataframe = pd.read_csv(data_path)
dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld', dataframe=dataframe)

# or use a created data source
datasource = pio.DataSource.from_id('my_datasource_id')
dataset = project.create_dataset(name='helloworld', datasource=datasource)

# Upload an image folder
image_folder_path = 'path/to/your/'
image_folder = project.create_image_folder(name='helloworld', file_name=image_folder_path)

This will automatically upload the data as a new dataset on your’s instance. If you go to the online interface, you will see this new dataset in the list of datasets (in the “Data” tab).

Listing available datasets

To get a list of all the datasets currently available on the platform (in your workspace), use the list_datasets() method:

# List tabular datasets
datasets = project.list_datasets()
for dataset in datasets:

# List image folders
image_folders = project.list_image_folders()
for folder in image_folders:

Downloading data from the platform

If you already uploaded a dataset on the platform and want to grab it locally, simply use the Dataset.from_id() SDK method:

dataset = pio.Dataset.from_id('5ebaad70a7271000e7b28ea0')

Regression/Classification/Multi-classification usecase

Configuring the dataset

To start a usecase you need to specify the dataset to be used and its configuration (target column, weight column, id column, …). To get a full documentation check the api reference of the ColumnConfig in Usecase configuration.

column_config = pio.ColumnConfig(target_column='TARGET', id_column='ID')

Configuring the training parameters

If you want, you can also specify some training parameters, such as which models are used, which transformations are applied, and how the models are optimized. To get a full documentation check the api reference of the TrainingConfig in Usecase configuration.

training_config = pio.TrainingConfig(

Starting training

You can now create a new usecase based on:

  • a usecase name
  • a dataset
  • a column config
  • (optional) a metric type
  • (optional) a training config
  • (optional) a holdout dataset (dataset only used for evaluation)
usecase_version = project.fit_classification(

If you want to use image data for your usecase, you need to provide the API with both the tabular dataset and the image folder:

usecase_version = project.fit_image_classification(
    dataset=(dataset, image_folder),

To get an exhaustive list of the available metrics go to the api reference Metrics.

Making predictions

To make predictions from a dataset and a usecase, you need to wait until at least one model is trained. This can be achieved in the following way:

# block until there is at least 1 model trained
usecase_version.wait_until(lambda usecasev: len(usecasev.models) > 0)

# check out the usecase status and other info
print('Current (best model) score:', usecase_version.score)

# predict from uploaded dataset on the plateform
preds = usecase_version.predict_from_dataset(test_dataset)

# or predict from a `pandas.DataFrame`
preds = usecase_version.predict(test_dataframe)


The wait_until method takes a function that takes the usecase as an argument, and can therefore access any info relative to the usecase.

Time Series usecase

A time series usecase is very similar to a regression usecase. The main differences rely in the dataset configuration, and the specification of a time window.

Configuring the dataset

Here you need to specify which column in the dataset defines the time steps. Also you can specify the group_columns (columns defining a unique time serie) as well as the apriori_columns (columns containing information known in advanced):

column_config = pio.ColumnConfig(
    group_columns=['Store', 'Product'],

Configuring the training parameters

The training config is the same as for a regression usecase (detailed in Configuring the training parameters).

Starting training

You can now create a new usecase based on:

  • a usecase name
  • a dataset
  • a column config
  • a time window
  • (optional) a metric type
  • (optional) a training config

In particular the time_window parameter defines the period in the past that you have for each prediction, and the period in the future that you want to predict:

# Define your time window:
# example here using 2 weeks in the past to predict the next week
time_window = pio.TimeWindow(

usecase_version = project.fit_timeseries_regression(

To get a full documentation check the api reference Time Series usecases.

Making predictions

The predictions workflow is the same as for a regression usecase (detailed in Making predictions).

Text Similarity usecase

A Text Similarity usecase matches the most similar texts between a dataset containing descriptions (can be seen as a catalog) and a dataset containing queries. It first converts texts to numerical vectors (text embeddings) and then performs a similarity search to retrieve the most similar documents to a query.

Configuring the datasets

To start a usecase you need to specify the datasets to be used and their configuration. Note that a DescriptionsDataset is required while a QueriesDataset is optional during training (used for scoring). To get a full documentation check the api reference of the DescriptionsColumnConfig and the QueriesColumnConfig in TextSimilarity usecases.

# Required: configuration of the DescriptionsDataset
description_column_config = pio.TextSimilarity.DescriptionsColumnConfig(

# Optional: configuration of the QueriesDataset
queries_column_config = pio.TextSimilarity.QueriesColumnConfig(

Configuring the training parameters

If you want, you can also specify some training parameters, such as which embedding models, searching models and preprocessing are used. To get a full documentation check the api reference of the ModelsParameters in TextSimilarity usecases. Here you need to specify one configuration per embedding model you want to use:

# Using TF-IDF as embedding model
models_parameters_1 = pio.ModelsParameters(
    models=[pio.TextSimilarityModels.BruteForce, pio.TextSimilarityModels.ClusterPruning],

# Using Transformer as embedding model
models_parameters_2 = pio.ModelsParameters(
    models=[pio.TextSimilarityModels.BruteForce, pio.TextSimilarityModels.IVFOPQ],

# Using fine-tuned Transformer as embedding model
models_parameters_3 = pio.ModelsParameters(
    models=[pio.TextSimilarityModels.BruteForce, pio.TextSimilarityModels.IVFOPQ],

# Gather everything
models_parameters = [models_parameters_1, models_parameters_2, models_parameters_3]
models_parameters = pio.ListModelsParameters(models_parameters=models_parameters)


If you want the default configuration of text similarity models, simply use:

models_parameters = pio.ListModelsParameters()

Starting the training

You can then create a new text similarity usecase based on:

  • a usecase name
  • a dataset
  • a description column config
  • (optional) a queries dataset
  • (optional) a queries column config
  • (optional) a metric type
  • (optional) the number of top k results tou want per query
  • (optional) a language
  • (optional) a models parameters list
usecase_verion = project.fit_text_similarity(

To get an exhaustive list of the available metrics go to the class previsionio.metrics.TextSimilarity in the api reference Metrics.

Making predictions

To make predictions from a dataset and a usecase, you need to wait until at least one model is trained. This can be achieved in the following way:

# block until there is at least 1 model trained
usecase_version.wait_until(lambda usecasev: len(usecasev.models) > 0)

# check out the usecase status and other info
print('Current (best model) score:', usecase_version.score)

# predict from uploaded dataset on the plateform
preds = usecase_version.predict_from_dataset(
    queries_dataset_matching_id_description_column=None, # Optional


The wait_until method takes a function that takes the usecase as an argument, and can therefore access any info relative to the usecase.

Additional util methods

Retrieving a use case

Since a use case can be somewhat long to train, it can be useful to separate the training, monitoring and prediction phases.

To do that, we need to be able to recreate a usecase object in python from its name:

usecase_version = pio.Supervised.from_id('<a usecase id>')
# Usecase_version now has all the same methods as a usecase_version
# created directly from a file or a dataframe

Stopping and deleting

Once you’re satisfied with model performance, don’t want to wait for the complete training process to be over, or need to free up some resources to start a new training, you can stop the usecase_version simply:


You’ll still be able to make predictions and get info, but the performance won’t improve anymore. Note: there’s no difference in state between a stopped usecase and a usecase that has completed its training completely.

You can decide to completely delete the usecase:

uc = pio.Usecase.from_id(usecase_version.usecase_id)

However be careful, in that case any detail about the usecase will be removed, and you won’t be able to make predictions from it anymore.

Using deployed model’s SDK allows to make a prediction from a model deployed with the’s platform.

To deploy a model you need to log to the web interface of your instance, select a project and the usecase you want to work with. Then go to the Models tab and toggle on the models you want to use in production. Then click on the Deployments tab at the left of the screen, go to Deployments usecases at the top left of the screen and click on the Deploy a new usecase button at the top right of the screen. Fill in the different fields and click on Deploy.

Once the model is deployed and your on its main page, go to the bottom of the page and click on generate new key wich will create a Client Id and a Client secret. You will need the url (displayed at the top of the page in the interface) the Client Id and the Client secret to call it via the python SDK:

import previsionio as pio

# Initialize the deployed model object from the url of the model, your client id and client secret for this model, and your credentials
model = pio.DeployedModel(prevision_app_url, client_id, client_secret)

# Make a prediction
prediction, confidance, explain = model.predict(
    predict_data={'feature1': 1, 'feature2': 2},

To get a full documentation check the api reference Deployed model.